
Sunstone is a Sacral Chakra gemstone of leadership, creativity, enthusiasm, activation, and awakening your potential. Work with these stones whenever you need a dose of renewed passion and purpose that only these pieces can bring.

Sunstone has the radiance of the Sun and truly glows, glimmers, and shimmers in the light like no other stone. You can see it by the refracting light between the different crystal layers to produce an iridescent glow full of gold, orange, red, cream, and bronze.

Sunstone is important as it brings forth the magic of openness, warmth, and the willingness to help others. This is also a great stone for developing leadership and organizational skills. When a decision needs to be made, sunstone offers clarity and the ability to act in concert with a larger purpose. It also enhances your mood because of its sunny disposition, is a great stone to work with to transmute any lower vibration emotions.