
How to Test Gold with Acid, Step-By-Step:

Step 1: Unpack

Take out the testing acids, testing stone, some ammonia (or Windex) for cleanup, and a put on a pair of latex gloves.

Step 2: Inspect

Inspect each piece of gold, looking for karat marks on jewellery and fineness on bars.

Step 3: Scratch

Scratch (making a separate line) each piece gold from a given group against the stone. You will test these lines.

Step 4: Use the Acid

Apply a drop of the acid to each item’s representative line. Watch for how much gold remains, as opposed to base metal dissolved by the acid.

Step 5: File it.

Concerned that your gold isn’t living up to the hype? Take a tough metal file and scrape deep into it. Put the exposed area into several drops of acid for 30-60 seconds. See green or significant activity? Don’t risk it.

Step 6: Make a Decision.

The acid test just told you roughly what % of gold is in front of you. Now you can make a much better decision on the risk of fraud. Remember to always be careful and if unsure, file some more.